Development Commands

Commands for local development of Agentuity projects

The dev commands allow you to run and test your Agentuity projects locally during development.

dev run

Runs a development server for local testing and development.


agentuity run (shortcut for agentuity dev run)


agentuity dev run [flags]


--dir, -dThe directory of the project to run
--websocket-idSpecify a WebSocket room ID for real-time communication


Run a development server for a project in the current directory:

$ agentuity dev run
 Development server started
🔗 Local URL: http://localhost:3000

Run a development server for a project in a specific directory:

$ agentuity dev run --dir ~/projects/my-project
 Development server started
🔗 Local URL: http://localhost:3000

Run a development server with a specific WebSocket room ID:

$ agentuity dev run --websocket-id room_123456
 Development server started
🔗 Local URL: http://localhost:3000
🔌 WebSocket connected: room_123456

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