API Reference

Comprehensive reference for the Agentuity JavaScript SDK API

This section provides detailed documentation for the Agentuity JavaScript SDK API, including method signatures, parameters, return values, and example usage.

Table of Contents

Agent Lifecycle

The Agentuity SDK provides a structured way to define and handle agents. An agent consists of a handler function, with its configuration managed by the Agentuity CLI.

Agent Configuration

Agent configuration is managed by the Agentuity CLI and stored in the project configuration file. The AgentConfig interface is used internally by the CLI and SDK:

interface AgentConfig {
   * the name of the agent
  name: string;
   * the description of the agent
  description?: string;

Agent Handler

The AgentHandler type defines the handler function for an agent:

type AgentHandler = (
  request: AgentRequest,
  response: AgentResponse,
  context: AgentContext
) => Promise<AgentResponseType>;


  • request: An AgentRequest object containing the request data
  • response: An AgentResponse object for creating responses
  • context: An AgentContext object providing access to various capabilities

Return Value

The handler function should return a Promise that resolves to an AgentResponseType object.


import { AgentHandler } from '@agentuity/sdk';
// Agent handler function
const handler: AgentHandler = async (request, response, context) => {
  try {
    // Get the request data
    const { name } = request.data.json;
    // Log the request
    context.logger.info(`Received greeting request for ${name}`);
    // Return a personalized greeting
    return response.json({
      message: `Hello, ${name}! Welcome to Agentuity.`
  } catch (error) {
    // Handle errors
    context.logger.error('Error processing request', error);
    return response.json({ error: 'Failed to process request' });
export default handler;

Storage APIs

The Agentuity SDK provides two storage APIs: Key-Value Storage and Vector Storage.

Key-Value Storage

The Key-Value Storage API provides a simple way to store and retrieve data. It is accessed through the context.kv object.

get(name: string, key: string): Promise<ArrayBuffer | null>

Retrieves a value from the key-value storage.

  • name: The name of the key-value storage
  • key: The key to retrieve the value for
Return Value

Returns a Promise that resolves to an ArrayBuffer containing the value, or null if the key does not exist.

// Retrieve a value from key-value storage
const value = await context.kv.get('user-preferences', 'user-123');
if (value) {
  // Convert ArrayBuffer to string if needed
  const valueString = new TextDecoder().decode(value);
  console.log(`User preferences: ${valueString}`);
} else {
  console.log('User preferences not found');

set(name: string, key: string, value: ArrayBuffer | string | Json, ttl?: number): Promise<void>

Stores a value in the key-value storage.

  • name: The name of the key-value storage
  • key: The key to store the value under
  • value: The value to store (can be an ArrayBuffer, string, or JSON object)
  • ttl (optional): Time-to-live in seconds (minimum 60 seconds)
Return Value

Returns a Promise that resolves when the value has been stored.

// Store a string value
await context.kv.set('user-preferences', 'user-123', JSON.stringify({ theme: 'dark' }));
// Store a JSON value
await context.kv.set('user-preferences', 'user-123', { theme: 'dark' });
// Store a binary value
const binaryData = new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3, 4]).buffer;
await context.kv.set('user-data', 'user-123', binaryData);
// Store a value with TTL (expires after 1 hour)
await context.kv.set('session', 'user-123', 'active', 3600);

delete(name: string, key: string): Promise<void>

Deletes a value from the key-value storage.

  • name: The name of the key-value storage
  • key: The key to delete
Return Value

Returns a Promise that resolves when the value has been deleted.

// Delete a value
await context.kv.delete('user-preferences', 'user-123');

Vector Storage

The Vector Storage API provides a way to store and search for data using vector embeddings. It is accessed through the context.vector object.

upsert(name: string, ...documents: VectorUpsertParams[]): Promise<string[]>

Inserts or updates vectors in the vector storage.

  • name: The name of the vector storage
  • documents: One or more documents to upsert, each with either embeddings or text
Return Value

Returns a Promise that resolves to an array of string IDs for the upserted vectors.

// Upsert documents with text
const ids = await context.vector.upsert(
  { document: 'Ergonomic office chair with lumbar support', metadata: { category: 'furniture' } },
  { document: 'Wireless noise-cancelling headphones', metadata: { category: 'electronics' } }
// Upsert documents with embeddings
const ids2 = await context.vector.upsert(
  { embeddings: [0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4], metadata: { productId: '123' } },
  { embeddings: [0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8], metadata: { productId: '456' } }

search(name: string, params: VectorSearchParams): Promise<VectorSearchResult[]>

Searches for vectors in the vector storage.

  • name: The name of the vector storage
  • params: Search parameters including query, limit, similarity threshold, and metadata filters
Return Value

Returns a Promise that resolves to an array of search results, each containing an ID, metadata, and distance score.

// Search for similar products
const results = await context.vector.search('product-descriptions', {
  query: 'comfortable office chair',
  limit: 5,
  similarity: 0.7,
  metadata: { category: 'furniture' }
// Process search results
for (const result of results) {
  console.log(`Product ID: ${result.id}, Similarity: ${result.distance}`);
  console.log(`Metadata: ${JSON.stringify(result.metadata)}`);

delete(name: string, ...ids: string[]): Promise<number>

Deletes vectors from the vector storage.

  • name: The name of the vector storage
  • ids: One or more IDs of vectors to delete
Return Value

Returns a Promise that resolves to the number of vectors that were deleted.

// Delete vectors
const deletedCount = await context.vector.delete('product-descriptions', 'id1', 'id2', 'id3');
console.log(`Deleted ${deletedCount} vectors`);

Agent Communication

The Agentuity SDK allows agents to communicate with each other through the context.getAgent() method and agent redirection.

getAgent(params: GetAgentRequestParams): Promise<RemoteAgent>

Retrieves a handle to a remote agent that can be invoked.


  • params: Parameters to identify the agent, either by ID or by name and project ID

Return Value

Returns a Promise that resolves to a RemoteAgent object that can be used to invoke the agent.


// Get an agent by ID
const agent = await context.getAgent({ id: 'agent-123' });
// Get an agent by name
const agent2 = await context.getAgent({ 
  name: 'data-processing-agent',
  projectId: 'project-456'
// Invoke the agent
const result = await agent.run({ data: 'process this' }, 'application/json');

Agent Handoff

The response.handoff() method allows an agent to handoff the request to another agent.

handoff(agent: GetAgentRequestParams, payload?: Json | ArrayBuffer | string, contentType?: string, metadata?: Record<string, Json>): AgentRedirectResponse

Redirects the current request to another agent.


Handoff is currently only supported for handoff to other agents in the same project. However, we are working on remote agent handoff and should have that working soon.

  • agent: Parameters to identify the target agent
  • payload (optional): The payload to send to the target agent
  • contentType (optional): The content type of the payload
  • metadata (optional): Additional metadata to include with the request
Return Value

Returns an AgentRedirectResponse object.

// Redirect to another agent
return response.handoff(
  { name: 'data-processing-agent' },
  { data: 'process this' },
  { source: 'web-agent' }

Response Types

The Agentuity SDK provides various methods for creating different types of responses through the response object.

JSON Responses

json(data: Json, metadata?: Record<string, Json>): AgentResponseType

Creates a JSON response.

  • data: The JSON data to include in the response
  • metadata (optional): Additional metadata to include with the response
Return Value

Returns an AgentResponseType object with the JSON data.

return response.json({ 
  message: 'Success',
  data: { id: 123, name: 'Example' }

Text Responses

text(data: string, metadata?: Record<string, Json>): AgentResponseType

Creates a text response.

  • data: The text to include in the response
  • metadata (optional): Additional metadata to include with the response
Return Value

Returns an AgentResponseType object with the text data.

return response.text('Hello, world!');

Binary Responses

binary(data: ArrayBuffer, metadata?: Record<string, Json>): AgentResponseType

Creates a binary response.

  • data: The binary data to include in the response
  • metadata (optional): Additional metadata to include with the response
Return Value

Returns an AgentResponseType object with the binary data.

const binaryData = new Uint8Array([1, 2, 3, 4]).buffer;
return response.binary(binaryData, { filename: 'data.bin' });

Media Type Responses

The SDK provides specialized methods for various media types:

  • pdf(data: ArrayBuffer, metadata?: Record<string, Json>): AgentResponseType
  • png(data: ArrayBuffer, metadata?: Record<string, Json>): AgentResponseType
  • jpeg(data: ArrayBuffer, metadata?: Record<string, Json>): AgentResponseType
  • gif(data: ArrayBuffer, metadata?: Record<string, Json>): AgentResponseType
  • webp(data: ArrayBuffer, metadata?: Record<string, Json>): AgentResponseType
  • mp3(data: ArrayBuffer, metadata?: Record<string, Json>): AgentResponseType
  • mp4(data: ArrayBuffer, metadata?: Record<string, Json>): AgentResponseType
  • m4a(data: ArrayBuffer, metadata?: Record<string, Json>): AgentResponseType
  • m4p(data: ArrayBuffer, metadata?: Record<string, Json>): AgentResponseType
  • webm(data: ArrayBuffer, metadata?: Record<string, Json>): AgentResponseType
  • wav(data: ArrayBuffer, metadata?: Record<string, Json>): AgentResponseType
  • ogg(data: ArrayBuffer, metadata?: Record<string, Json>): AgentResponseType

Each method works similarly to the binary() method but sets the appropriate content type.


// Return a PNG image
return response.png(imageData, { filename: 'chart.png' });
// Return an MP3 audio file
return response.mp3(audioData, { duration: 120 });

HTML Responses

html(data: string, metadata?: Record<string, Json>): AgentResponseType

Creates an HTML response.

  • data: The HTML content to include in the response
  • metadata (optional): Additional metadata to include with the response
Return Value

Returns an AgentResponseType object with the HTML content.

return response.html('<h1>Hello, world!</h1><p>This is an HTML response.</p>');

Empty Responses

empty(metadata?: Record<string, Json>): AgentResponseType

Creates an empty response.

  • metadata (optional): Additional metadata to include with the response
Return Value

Returns an AgentResponseType object with no payload.

return response.empty({ status: 204 });

Request Handling

The Agentuity SDK provides various methods for accessing request data through the request object.

Accessing Request Data

get trigger(): string

Gets the trigger type of the request.

Return Value

Returns a string representing the trigger type (webhook, cron, manual, agent, etc.).

const triggerType = request.trigger;
console.log(`Request triggered by: ${triggerType}`);

get(key: string, defaultValue?: Json): Json

Gets a value from the request. The available properties depend on the trigger type.

  • key: The key to retrieve
  • defaultValue (optional): A default value to return if the key does not exist
Return Value

Returns the value for the specified key, or the default value if the key does not exist.

Trigger-specific Properties

Different trigger types provide different properties:

  • Webhook: Includes a headers property containing the HTTP headers from the webhook request.
// For webhook triggers, access headers
const headers = request.get('headers');
// Access a specific header
const githubSignature = headers['x-hub-signature'];
// Get a user ID with a default value
const userId = request.get('userId', 'anonymous');

metadata(key: string, defaultValue?: Json): Json

Note: This method is deprecated. Use get(key, defaultValue) instead.

Gets metadata associated with the request.

  • key: The metadata key to retrieve
  • defaultValue (optional): A default value to return if the key does not exist
Return Value

Returns the metadata value for the specified key, or the default value if the key does not exist.

json(): Json

Gets the payload of the request as a JSON object.

Return Value

Returns the request payload as a JSON object.

const data = request.data.json;
console.log(`Request data: ${JSON.stringify(data)}`);

text(): string

Gets the payload of the request as a string.

Return Value

Returns the request payload as a string.

const text = request.data.text;
console.log(`Request text: ${text}`);

binary(): ArrayBuffer

Gets the payload of the request as an ArrayBuffer.

Return Value

Returns the request payload as an ArrayBuffer.

const binaryData = request.binary();
console.log(`Binary data size: ${binaryData.byteLength} bytes`);

Media-Specific Methods

The SDK provides specialized methods for various media types:

  • pdf(): ArrayBuffer
  • png(): ArrayBuffer
  • jpeg(): ArrayBuffer
  • gif(): ArrayBuffer
  • webp(): ArrayBuffer
  • mp3(): ArrayBuffer
  • mp4(): ArrayBuffer
  • m4a(): ArrayBuffer
  • m4p(): ArrayBuffer
  • webm(): ArrayBuffer
  • wav(): ArrayBuffer
  • ogg(): ArrayBuffer

Each method returns the request payload as an ArrayBuffer with the appropriate content type validation.


// Get an image from the request
const image = request.png();
// Process the image...
// Get audio from the request
const audio = request.mp3();
// Process the audio...


The Agentuity SDK provides logging functionality through the context.logger object.

Logger Interface

The Logger interface defines the following methods:

interface Logger {
  debug(message: string, ...args: unknown[]): void;
  info(message: string, ...args: unknown[]): void;
  warn(message: string, ...args: unknown[]): void;
  error(message: string, ...args: unknown[]): void;
  child(opts: Record<string, Json>): Logger;

Logging Methods

debug(message: string, ...args: unknown[]): void

Logs a debug message.

  • message: The message to log
  • args: Additional arguments to include in the log
context.logger.debug('Processing request', { requestId: '123' });

info(message: string, ...args: unknown[]): void

Logs an informational message.

  • message: The message to log
  • args: Additional arguments to include in the log
context.logger.info('Request processed successfully', { requestId: '123' });

warn(message: string, ...args: unknown[]): void

Logs a warning message.

  • message: The message to log
  • args: Additional arguments to include in the log
context.logger.warn('Resource not found', { resourceId: '456' });

error(message: string, ...args: unknown[]): void

Logs an error message.

  • message: The message to log
  • args: Additional arguments to include in the log
context.logger.error('Failed to process request', error);

Creating Child Loggers

child(opts: Record<string, unknown>): Logger

Creates a child logger with additional context.

  • opts: Additional context to include in all logs from the child logger
Return Value

Returns a new Logger instance with the additional context.

const requestLogger = context.logger.child({ requestId: '123', userId: '456' });
requestLogger.info('Processing request'); // Includes requestId and userId


The Agentuity SDK provides a Session interface that represents the current agent execution context.

interface Session {
  request: AgentRequestType;
  context: AgentContext;


The Agentuity SDK integrates with OpenTelemetry for tracing and metrics.


The SDK provides access to OpenTelemetry tracing through the context.tracer object.


// Create a span
context.tracer.startActiveSpan('process-data', async (span) => {
  try {
    // Add attributes to the span
    span.setAttribute('userId', '123');
    // Perform some work
    const result = await processData();
    // Add events to the span
    span.addEvent('data-processed', { itemCount: result.length });
    // End the span
    return result;
  } catch (error) {
    // Record the error
    span.setStatus({ code: SpanStatusCode.ERROR });
    throw error;

On this page

Table of ContentsAgent LifecycleAgent ConfigurationAgent HandlerParametersReturn ValueExampleStorage APIsKey-Value Storageget(name: string, key: string): Promise<ArrayBuffer | null>ParametersReturn ValueExampleset(name: string, key: string, value: ArrayBuffer | string | Json, ttl?: number): Promise<void>ParametersReturn ValueExampledelete(name: string, key: string): Promise<void>ParametersReturn ValueExampleVector Storageupsert(name: string, ...documents: VectorUpsertParams[]): Promise<string[]>ParametersReturn ValueExamplesearch(name: string, params: VectorSearchParams): Promise<VectorSearchResult[]>ParametersReturn ValueExampledelete(name: string, ...ids: string[]): Promise<number>ParametersReturn ValueExampleAgent CommunicationgetAgent(params: GetAgentRequestParams): Promise<RemoteAgent>ParametersReturn ValueExampleAgent Handoffhandoff(agent: GetAgentRequestParams, payload?: Json | ArrayBuffer | string, contentType?: string, metadata?: Record<string, Json>): AgentRedirectResponseParametersReturn ValueExampleResponse TypesJSON Responsesjson(data: Json, metadata?: Record<string, Json>): AgentResponseTypeParametersReturn ValueExampleText Responsestext(data: string, metadata?: Record<string, Json>): AgentResponseTypeParametersReturn ValueExampleBinary Responsesbinary(data: ArrayBuffer, metadata?: Record<string, Json>): AgentResponseTypeParametersReturn ValueExampleMedia Type ResponsesExampleHTML Responseshtml(data: string, metadata?: Record<string, Json>): AgentResponseTypeParametersReturn ValueExampleEmpty Responsesempty(metadata?: Record<string, Json>): AgentResponseTypeParametersReturn ValueExampleRequest HandlingAccessing Request Dataget trigger(): stringReturn ValueExampleget(key: string, defaultValue?: Json): JsonParametersReturn ValueTrigger-specific PropertiesExamplemetadata(key: string, defaultValue?: Json): JsonParametersReturn Valuejson(): JsonReturn ValueExampletext(): stringReturn ValueExamplebinary(): ArrayBufferReturn ValueExampleMedia-Specific MethodsExampleLoggingLogger InterfaceLogging Methodsdebug(message: string, ...args: unknown[]): voidParametersExampleinfo(message: string, ...args: unknown[]): voidParametersExamplewarn(message: string, ...args: unknown[]): voidParametersExampleerror(message: string, ...args: unknown[]): voidParametersExampleCreating Child Loggerschild(opts: Record<string, unknown>): LoggerParametersReturn ValueExampleSessionTelemetryTracingExample