Key-Value Memory Storage

Learn how to create, view, and manage key-value memory storage in the Agentuity Cloud Console

Understanding Key-Value Memory Storage

Key-value memory storage is designed for fast, simple, or temporary data storage, making it ideal for:

  • Session data
  • Configuration settings
  • Caching
  • Temporary state management
  • Simple data structures
  • Sharing state between agents

Viewing Your Key-Value Instances

When you navigate to the Memory > Key-Value page in the Cloud Console, you'll see a table listing all your key-value instances with the following information:

  • Name: The name of your key-value instance
  • Size: The storage size used by the key-value instance

You can filter the list of key-value instances using the search box at the top of the table to quickly find specific instances by name.

Creating a New Key-Value Instance

There are two ways to create a new key-value instance:

  1. From the Memory > Key-Value page in the Cloud Console
  2. In code, using the Agentuity SDK

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