Vector Memory Storage

Learn how to create, view, and manage vector memory storage in the Agentuity Cloud Console

Understanding Vector Memory Storage

Vector memory storage is designed for semantic search and large context windows, making it ideal for:

  • Knowledge bases
  • Historical data
  • Semantic search applications
  • Applications requiring understanding of content meaning
  • Long-term memory for agents

Viewing Your Vector Instances

When you navigate to the Memory > Vector page in the Cloud Console, you'll see a table listing all your vector instances with the following information:

  • Name: The name of your vector instance
  • Size: The storage size used by the vector instance

You can filter the list of vector instances using the search box at the top of the table to quickly find specific instances by name.

Creating a New Vector Instance

There are two ways to create a new vector instance:

  1. From the Memory > Vector page in the Cloud Console
  2. In code, using the Agentuity SDK

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