TroubleshootingError Codes

Authentication Errors

Reference for authentication-related error codes (AUTH-XXX)

Document Status

This document is being worked on, information may change a lot over the next few weeks.

AUTH-001: Invalid Credentials

Error Message: Invalid username or password

Cause: The provided credentials are incorrect or do not exist.


  • Verify your username and password
  • Reset your password if necessary
  • Check for any typos in your credentials

AUTH-002: Token Expired

Error Message: Authentication token has expired

Cause: Your authentication token has exceeded its validity period.


  • Log out and log back in
  • Request a new authentication token
  • Check your system time is correct

AUTH-003: Invalid Token

Error Message: Invalid authentication token

Cause: The provided token is malformed or has been tampered with.


  • Generate a new authentication token
  • Verify the token format
  • Check token transmission process

[Content coming soon - Additional authentication error codes]

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